Recognition and Use of Collaborative Resources to Benefit Local Sigma Beta Club

Announcing the Establishment of

The Steven Bradford Youth Leadership Development Institute

On August 28,2021, the KDS Associates Foundation, the 501 (C) (3) fundraising arm of Kappa Delta Sigma Chapter and Camp Sigma, a 30 year fraternity partner, announced the formation of the Steven Bradford Youth Leadership Development Institute.  The institute's goals are to encourage political engagement by young people and assist them in developing their leadership skills in a effort to positively influence and motivate their peers. 

For those of you unfamiliar, Bro. Steven Bradford is a California State Senator and is recognized as one of the most effective and influential politician in the State.  He has over two decades of public service - first as a Gardena, CA. City Councilman, then a State Assemblyman and now as a State Senator.  He has proven himself to be a great citizen, activist and public servant.

Currently, Bro. Bradford serves as Chair of the Senate Public Safety Committee, as well as Chair of the California Legislative Black Caucus.  He was recently appointed as a member of California's Task Force to Study and Develop Reparations Proposals for African-Americans by Senate President Pro Tem, Tony Atkins, and is an advocate for Criminal Justice Reform.  

In those roles, Bro. Bradford authored Senate Bill (SB) 796 which returns the beachfront property in Manhattan Beach, CA, known as Bruce's Beach (a very affluent area) to descendants of Willa and Charles Bruce, an African-American couple from whom it was wrongfully taken in 1929.  

He also authored SB 2 which prohibits law enforcement officers from moving from one law enforcement agency/jurisdiction to another after having been found guilty of misconduct which would allow them to restart their career, unscathed.  Both of these are groundbreaking legislative initiatives that impact our community greatly.    

Bro. Bradford previously served as the National Director of Bigger and Better Business of the fraternity and credits his election to that position as the first step on his political ascension.  

"At this time in his career, we feel it appropriate to recognize Bro. Bradford for his significant accomplishments with the establishment of this institute; and admittedly, his popularity and substantial influence works to our advantage.  At the conclusion of the launch reception held August 28th, financial contributions and commitments from foundations, corporations and individuals totaled well in excess of $30,000, which will go directly to support our chapter Sigma Beta Club" said Bro. Jeffery Whitmore - KDS Associates Foundation Chairman and Bradford Institute Coordinator.  Along with continually operating the only fully functional and independent VITA sight in the county, KDS Chapter has prioritized the expansion of its Sigma Beta Club as its programmatic priority, recognizing that there is no more impactful effort we can make than developing our young men.  

"We look forward to a another rewarding year for our Sigma Beta Club.  Our goal is to make our Sigma Beta Club the preeminent Sigma Beta Club in the Country and set a standard for others to follow; and I thank Bro. Whitmore for his vision in the establishment of this institute.  It definitely propels us to the forefront of social programming," said Bro. Ali Khan, KDS Chapter and Western Region Sigma Beta Club Coordinator.    

And we're proud that this was a cooperative effort by several chapters in the Los Angeles area.

"I'd like to specifically thank Alpha Alpha Epsilon Sigma Chapter, Delta Psi Sigma Chapter and Phi Beta Sigma Chapter, of whom Bro. Bradford is a member, for their financial support and commitment of resources in this endeavor.  It's an example of a cooperative effort between chapters to benefit our area Sigma Beta Club members and our next generation of African-American young men, and we say thanks to them" said Woodrow Bailey,  President - Kappa Delta Sigma Chapter and Western Regional Director of Social Action.